Friday, 12 October 2012

Research Plan

We have decided as a group to split our different research plans between the 4 of us.

Here are the different areas of planning that we have decided on doing:

  • Questionnaires
  • Focus Groups
  • Interviews
  • Characteristics of the Electronica genre
  • Market Research ( Representations etc)
My role in the planning process is to research the main characteristics of the electronica genre. In this, I will be watching various music videos to see the common themes that run through e.g. dancing, performance etc.

I will also be helping out with the organisation of the Focus Groups with Stevie. We have decided to hold 2 Focus Groups, one will have an age range of 17-18 and the other will be teachers ranging from 24-30. We have decided to aim our music video at this specific target audience simply because we feel that any age lower than this will have difficulty buying the song on places like iTunes for example, hence the reasoning behind why we have chosen a higher aged target audience.

All of us have begun our research tasks straight away. I had an input on all aspects to start with, coming up with the questions for the questionnaire with Kirstie, discussing the target audience and how we would go forward with the focus groups with Stevie and looking at the different branding and logos of other electronica artists with Becky. After this, I watched a few different music videos, particularly from the band 'The Prodigy' and 'Fatboy Slim', as secondary research, to get some inspiration for common traits in the ways the music videos are filmed e.g. camera angles, shot types, etc.

Below are the different music videos I watched:

From this video, I have noted and focussed on the use of facial expressions and how they can add to getting across a particular form of emotion, similar to how we are thinking of portraying our actor within our footage once the filming process begins. Also, the use os very minimal colour and the use of black and white can be visually striking, something that we could take into consideration when filming  and editing.

This music video was purely used to see the limitations of movement within a suit. This is because we are thinking that our 'artist' should maybe wear a suit, which would be fitting towards our narratives we have composed together. Also, if any comedy elements were to be added into our music video, then this is the ideal example to follow.

The decision to use this video was purely down to the chaotic scenes portrayed. In our planned music video, we are all in agreement that we want our 'artist', within the narrative, to be having some form of breakdown, leading on to crazy, almost intimidating scenes with other extras involved. Also, the lighting in this could be thought provoking as using just ordinary lights from the ceiling doesn't look very original.

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