- Specific - Part of the footage, part of the video to improve?
- Measurable - Can we tell when they have done it?
- Achievable - Make sure that each piece of advice/adjustment is achievable?
- Realistic - Not filming new stuff, no explosions, etc.?
- Time bound - Can these targets be done within this lesson?
For our music video in its current state, we were given the following targets for feedback:
1. For certain clips that we have used, try and line them up so they fall on the syllables of the lyrics rather than the beat of the soundtrack (in certain cases, however).
2. In regards to effects that we have used already, try and use them on parts of the soundtrack that will be rememberable, e.g. on the chorus.
3. Don't over-use a particular effect and keep it to a certain part of the soundtrack so it doesn't get over-repetitive through its constant use. Effects such as the blue colour filter we have used, we were suggested, should be confined to one section of the video.